Why Is Disc Golf So Popular?

child disc golfer Since its humble beginnings, disc golf has seen a steady growth in popularity. Starting out with people throwing Frisbees at various objects, disc golf has matured into a sport with the top players making millions per year and local tournaments filling up in minutes.  Why is disc golf so popular? In this blog we will look at various aspects of disc golf that contribute to its popularity and growth.

Last updated on April 8th, 2024 at 03:37 pm

Last updated by Simon

graph representing continual growth in disc golf

Since its humble beginnings, disc golf has seen a steady growth in popularity. Starting out with people throwing Frisbees at various objects, disc golf has matured into a sport with the top players making millions per year and local tournaments filling up in minutes.  Why is disc golf so popular? In this blog we will look at various aspects of disc golf that contribute to its popularity and growth.

What Is Disc Golf?

Disc golf is a sport whose players try to throw discs into targets in the fewest number of throws. It can be played for fun or competitively, by people of all ages. There is a sanctioning body and strict rules for serious tournaments. Casual rounds are a lot less formal and more relaxed. There are loads of disc choices that include a variety of flights, plastic types, and colors. Disc golf has also evolved to include a wide variety of accessories to make a round more enjoyable. Let dive a little deeper into why the wonderful sport of disc golf is so popular.

Easy To Participate

  • Inexpensive – One of the benefits of getting into disc golf is that there really is no barrier to entry. Other sports can cost a lot for equipment or having to pay to play. People starting playing disc golf can pick up some discs for just a few bucks. They might even have a buddy who plays and has some extra discs. (Most disc golfers have extra!) A disc is all one needs to get started! Disc golf courses are usually free to play and accessories are not required.
    young man playing disc golf
  • Almost Anyone Can Play – The range of ages of people who play disc golf is rather wide. Many people have taken their four- or five-year-olds to a small course for a little family disc golf activity. And at the other extreme, people are playing competitively into their eighties. If you have good health, there is no reason you couldn’t keep playing into triple-digit years. That wide age range means that families can play together, including multi-generations!

Social Benefits

Disc golf is a sport that is great for people who just want a little alone time. They are looking for an activity to help them unwind from school or work. Getting out on the course alone can be therapeutic! However, a majority of us prefer to play with someone else.

The social aspect of disc golf can be wide and deep. The more we play, and especially the more we compete, the larger group of friends we make. I’ve seen people who were best friends with someone for years, and it all started with disc golf. Playing rounds with our regular buddies or meeting new players on the course, disc golf fills a social need for many of us.

friends playing disc golf

As mentioned, disc golf is a sport that can be played with family members of almost all ages. I’ve seen couples, siblings, parents with kids, and multi-generational groups. If you want to have some friendly competition with your siblings, spouse, parents or kids, or just want to spend time together as a family, disc golf provides that opportunity.

Good For Your Body

Playing courses with hills or playing a flat course at a little faster pace give you an elevated heart rate and is very beneficial to your overall health. Exercise reduces stress and strengthens our hearts. There are other benefits, too. With as much as some people’s bags weigh, they are getting a mini workout every time they play!

Good For Your Mind

Having an outlet for our stress and busy lives goes a long way toward keeping our mental well-being in top shape. Mix in the social benefits and disc golf is an excellent activity to help with our mental health. Just being out in nature can have a positive impact on our lives. Additionally, the strategy and decision making that we experience when choosing routes and discs undoubtedly also helps strengthen our brain and thought process.

Exposure In The Press And Online

As disc golf has grown and become more mainstream, the aces and exceptional shots that occur at tournaments are popping up on sports shows. When Philo Brathwaite got his Albatross in the Beaver State Fling or Paul McBeth shot his 18-down at the Great Lakes Open, those events made national sports news. Other amazing shots have garnered the same attention and every time it happens it exposes more people to the athleticism and difficulty of our sport. That makes disc golf fun and challenging in the eyes of a growing number of people, which nudges more and more of them into giving disc golf a try.

Philo after getting an albatross

Social media has also contributed to the growth of the sport. When we or other disc golfers share pictures, video, or even just posts about our disc golf experiences, that shows our family and friends who may not play disc golf how fun it can be. Who knows, it might even prompt them into joining us on the course.


Although disc golf started with a few people and some Frisbees, it has grown into an internationally recognized sport with courses and competitions around the world. The past couple decades have seen consistent growth as more and more people ‘discover’ disc golf. The pandemic gave it a huge boost, since it was something that could be played while maintaining social distance. Even post-pandemic, disc golf continues to grow. Our sport is an inexpensive way to get exercise while playing with friends and family. And let’s face it, disc golf is a blast!

Let us know what you think!

Why do YOU think disc golf is so popular? What attracted you to disc golf? Post below and let us know!