Disc golf’s popularity has been growing consistently over the years. This outdoor game, once relatively unknown, has gained widespread popularity among people of all ages as a hobby or recreational activity. Many are drawn to the sport due to its affordability, making it accessible for anyone wondering on what they need to play disc golf. You don’t need to spend a fortune to start playing.
This affordable sport doesn’t require expensive equipment to start. With just a disc and some open space around your home, you can begin playing and throwing the disc right away.
However, I created this article with the intention of informing you, our readers, about the various items you’ll need if you’re serious about taking up the sport. This article includes information about the equipment and accessories and their significance to you as a disc golfer.
Disc Golf Equipment and Accessories You Will Need?
Upon deciding that you want to take the sport seriously, there are equipment and accessories that you need to be in your position to start playing the game. Earlier, I mentioned that if you have a disc and some decent amount of land, then you can start practicing and learning to throw. However, when playing disc golf formally, there are other things you need to have aside from the disc. I will list all of this game equipment and accessories below for your reference.
The Disc Golf Disc
This is the most essential disc golf equipment to have if you want to play the sport. The disc comes in different types depending on the intended usage on the field. The game involves using four different types of discs: putters, midranges, fairway drivers, and distance drivers. Each of these discs play a role in different game situations on the field. But how many discs will you use in a game?
If you are a newbie and are still learning the sport, I would suggest having a pair of putters, midranges, and fairway drivers. You shouldn’t carry the distance driver at first because it will take time for you to develop the form and the technique in using a distance driver. For a rookie, you need to start with the slow disc, and that is found among the first 3 types that I mentioned.
Disc Selection
The disc selection process is a simple yet complicated process for beginners. You can either buy the disc per piece or you can buy it per set which I don’t mind either. Just make sure to have at least two of each type of disc I mentioned earlier. With regards to the brand, choosing the right brand for you will be a process in itself. You will need to try different brands on the field and see for yourself the best one that gives the best result to your skillset and form.
Disc Flight Rating
When purchasing the disc, you also need to consider the flight rating before buying. The flight rating provides players with insight into the flight characteristics and performance of the disc during its flight. These numbers are located on the disc itself and indicate how it behaves when thrown by the player. The ratings include speed, glide, turn, and fade, which we will discuss separately in another article.
The Disc Golf Bag
What is the role of a bag for every disc golf player? The bag will serve as an organizer of your discs and gear during the round. If you are just starting, a simple tote bag can keep your disc safe but as you gain experience and own several more discs, the larger disc golf bag will become more of a need. I like the shoulder bag in terms of organizing and making all the disc accessible all the time. Of course, there are different types of bags to choose from depending on your preferences.
The starter bag
The starter bag is perfect for newbies or people who are just starting and have a minimal number of discs in their possession. Starter bags can hold at least 3 to 18 discs depending on the brand and model. I can tell you that navigating the market for starter bags in various brands can be challenging when trying to select the best one. But this is a good problem to have. More options are better than a few options.
The large bag
This is for experienced players or those who have a lot of discs in their possession. The large carrying bag can carry 15 to 30 or more discs depending on the model and the discs that you place in the bag. It gives you easy access to the discs and will give you the ability to organize the contents easily.
The backpack
A backpack offers a convenient way to carry all your discs while also providing ample space for other items like mobile phones or water bottles, depending on your chosen style and size.
The Disc Golf Basket
The disc golf basket is an integral disc golf equipment if you want to play the sport by the rules and not just throw the disc. There are different types of baskets available in the market today depending on your needs. Some baskets are permanently installed on the field, while others are removable and can be placed in different locations. For leisure players, portable baskets offer high portability and can be easily transported to any place.
The Disc Golf Course
The best thing about disc golf is that you can play it anywhere. While some courses are designed specifically for the sport, you can also showcase your disc-throwing skills in various locations, such as your home, parks, beaches, school playgrounds, and other open spaces. This is the beauty of the sport where anyone can play any time and at any place.
The Other Accessories
There are also other accessories that you can own to provide you with a lot of convenience and confidence during the round. Of course, you may or may not acquire all of these accessories but these are just add-ons that will add flavor and excitement to playing the sport.
One of the most important accessories that you must have during the game. The towel can be used in keeping your disc clean and dry. It can also be used in quick-drying your feet and hands when the weather is wet.
With the increasing popularity of the sport, there are a lot of companies that make apparel for players to use. This apparel includes shirts, pants, shoes, shorts, socks, and a whole lot more. Other apparel that you can buy include beanies, hats, hoodies, and jackets. All of these products are designed to give comfort and confidence to anyone who plays the sport.
Disc Golf Carts
Disc golf also has its version of a cart that will help all players in terms of providing comfort in transporting their discs on the course. Available in different shapes and sizes depending on the number of discs you own.
Disc Light
The good thing about disc golf is that you can play it anytime, even at night. However, when playing at night, you need to attach a disc light to your disc for easy locating at its landing spot. The best thing about the disc light is when you see your disc fly into the night sky. Or you can purchase a glow-in-the-dark type disc. Most brands make glow-in-the-dark plastic for a variety of their discs.
Disc Retriever
These are tools that you will use to recover or retrieve discs that landed in hard-to-reach places. Not all the time does your disc land on the destination that you want. It will sometimes land in places that are difficult to reach and this tool will be handy.
Playing disc golf is indeed inexpensive. Unlike other sports, what you need in disc golf are sets of affordable equipment that you can own right away. You can own and acquire all the necessary equipment, but your top priority should be developing your skills, form, and ability in the game. After that, everything will just follow naturally including owning all the equipment and accessories mentioned above.