A common consensus among experienced disc golf players is that putting is an essential skill that all must learn in playing the sport. In fact, most of your throws will be in the form of putting unless you are throwing a long shot. The quality and skill of your putt will make a huge difference when compared to the competition.
But how to putt disc golf properly? Experienced players know that putting improvement requires daily, tailored technique development.
How to Throw a Putter Disc Golf
If you are a beginner, the most important thing is to master the basics of putting then improved along the way. In addition, mastering the art of proper putting can never be easy but can be learned if you put the time and effort into mastering different techniques and skills.
Learning the Right Grip
The correct grip when throwing a putter must be comfortable to the player. You can put the disc in the heel of your hand somewhere in the middle and rolled it up towards the index finger. The palm of your hand should flash against the disc to eliminate the disc from wobbling during the throw. Then, take your thumb and middle finger, connecting them together in the middle of the disc’s flight plate. This part is where the transfer of energy into the disc happens.
There are various grip options for your fingers on the disc. You can place your index finger along the side for a push putt. Putting your index finger down is also acceptable. If the remaining three fingers lean towards the flight plate, it results in a more push-putt style. While tucking the pinky and ring finger on the side will lead you to a spin-putting type.
The Different Putting Techniques
There are three main putting techniques to learn. As a beginner, I won’t prescribe a specific one but provide an overview of where to start and what to consider. Ultimately, putting entails repeatedly releasing the disc on a straight line.
Spin Putt
This putting style involves spinning the disc forward to the basket. To achieve this, open your elbow, initiate a backward motion, and finish with a bent arm at a 90-degree angle between your chest and belt. Ensure the back of your hand faces the basket during the arm bend, and complete the motion by pulling the disc forward while locking the elbow and keeping your hand open toward the target.
Spin putters benefit from aligning their shoulders directly with the basket, maintaining a comfortable leg stance. To increase power, extend the disc’s pullback by lowering your stance and slightly extending your hip. For jump putting, create leg separation, load the back leg, and propel forward by pushing off the rear toe.
Push Putt
The push putt is done by pushing up the disc from the flight plate. The takeback of this throw is down and very low finishing with your arm fully extended somewhere between the angles and the groin. The release point of this throw is somewhere around the waist and the arms should be straight all the way from the takeback through the release point and will pass it in the follow-through. Push putters do not have the straightening of the elbow, it usually takes longer to get comfortable with the release point from the timing standpoint.
It is common for push putters to have the back leg flair out a little bit to create more takeback room for the stance. Also, with the staggered stance, the push putter will generally angle the shoulder away from the target a little bit. This action will allow to lift them straight into the arm to keep the disc on the line. Meanwhile, push putters will create more space for acceleration by taking the disc further back and down. You can also use the wrist as a mechanism in gaining a little bit of speed. You can load the wrist to earn a little bit of distance.
Spush Putt
This type of putting generally combines the spin and push style of putting. The problem with this type is it’s very difficult to make generalizations with players using the spush putt. But, basically, they can be divided into two categories: the s-class spush putter and the p-class spush putter. The s-clash spush putter uses more on spin putting style mechanics rather than the push style putting mechanics. The second type is the p-class, where the putter is used way more than the pushing putt style mechanics rather than the spin style mechanics.
S-class spushers use a takeback and arm position between spin and push putters. Their takeback extends to waist level, allowing more backward motion and arm bend. They pull the disc forward to the release point, roughly at basket height, lock the elbow, and finish with their hand in place.
P-class spushers have a downward takeback, ending near the inside of the left leg with slightly bent arms. They then move upward, locking out the elbow and following the hand past the release point. Their release should be angled slightly away from the target as they pull the disc upward from the inside of their leg. Maintain a comfortable athletic stance with the back leg flaring slightly away from the target.
How to Putt Better in Disc Golf
Understanding the core principles of putting is crucial when working to improve your putting game. Whether it involves throwing mechanics, routines, or other pre and post-throw actions, comprehending the technique’s purpose is essential.
Whether it’s your form, stance, pullback, release, and other techniques, all things you do are geared towards only one essential purpose. And that is to pull the disc back and move it forward in a single straight line.
It will be a great advantage to a player to create a putting routine that is very simple and can be easily repeated. It means minimizing what you do to eliminate the chances of messing up your putt.
Do not rush. Always take your time. Rushing your takeback will eventually enhance the chance of the disc going offline. On the contrary, controlling your takeback will help take the disc on the line. You can also do some breathing techniques such as inhaling and exhaling correctly to make you relax and comfortable before the throw.
Learning how to putt disc golf properly is an essential step towards developing an excellent putting game. As a beginner, knowing the basics of putting is key while learning new techniques to improve your putting game. Devote time to field practice, refining your putting routine, and then apply these methods and techniques in real games.