Doubles Tips: How to WIN in Disc Golf Doubles

Tips for Doubles Disc Golf

Doubles disc golf is the perfect way to test the limits of your patience, communication skills, and ability to refrain from throwing your partner’s discs into the pond. It’s a beautiful thing—teaming up with a friend to take on the course together. But don’t be fooled. Behind the high-fives and “nice shots” lies a delicate balance of strategy, restraint, and pure luck that could make or break your relationship. So, how do you actually win at doubles? Well, let’s dive in, shall we?

First off, choose your partner wisely—like, very wisely. You don’t want someone who just throws bombs but couldn’t hit a putt if their life depended on it. Ideally, you need someone whose strengths cancel out your weaknesses. Maybe you can crush a backhand but your forehand looks like you’re trying to throw a pizza. Find a partner who can forehand like a pro, and suddenly you’re the dream team—or at least not a total disaster. Even better, pick a partner who is just flat out the best disc golfer in all aspects of the game.

Next up, communication. And by communication, I mean telling your partner, “That tree wasn’t really in the way, was it?” with just enough sarcasm to not hurt their feelings. Discuss your shots like you’re professionals: one goes aggressive, the other plays it safe. Or, let’s be real, both of you throw wildly and hope one of you lands in the fairway. If all else fails, you can always blame the wind. Keep the dialogue positive, or at least minimally passive-aggressive, to maintain morale.

Now, let’s talk strategy. This is where you need to play to your strengths—because if both of you are terrible at everything, this is going to be a long day. Let the big driver take the lead on open holes, and if your partner is good at putting, make sure they handle that while you take care of moral support. Trust me, saying “That was almost a good putt” can really boost team spirit and increase confidence.

When one of you finally throws a decent shot (hey, it’ll happen eventually), the other person can go in full “hero mode.” Take those risky shots. Throw that impossible line through a forest of trees. Worst case, you have your partner’s safe throw to fall back on, and best case, you’ll be a legend. It’s basically the only time in disc golf where being reckless isn’t an immediate ticket to bogey-ville.

Finally, stay mentally tough—or at least fake it. Doubles can test your sanity, especially when your partner throws a perfect drive, and you somehow hit the only branch within a mile radius. But hey, it’s all part of the fun. Just keep encouraging each other, even when your game is crumbling faster than a poorly-built sandcastle. Remember: it’s just a game. Well, until you lose and the ride home gets real quiet.

Because everyone wants to win in doubles disc golf, we’ve reached out to expert disc golf trainer Tyler Brickley to provide three tips to enhance your doubles strategy.

Tip 1: Shop Deals at
Tip 2: Mind Games – Get in your opponents heads!
Tip 3: Flip and Dip

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